Once upon a time, a million dollars was a large sum of money. If you had it, you were a millionaire, and everyone was jealous. Today the question is often asked: “if you won a million dollars, would you quit work?” Well the answer depends on several factors like your age, your need for money, and even your health. To answer the question how long would one million dollars last, let’s look at it this way: How long will $1,000,000 produce an income for you before it runs out? Let’s say you needed to take $60,000 as an annual income to spend. Let’s also say that you wanted to increase that $60,000 by 2% per year just to keep up to inflation. To run the numbers, we would assume you wanted to invest your $1,000,000 in a relatively secure place. The rate of interest would be around 1.5% if you wanted a guaranteed return, or maybe a 5% return if you wanted to assume some risk. For argument sake, let’s give you 3.5% over time, and income tax at about 25%. With the above parameters, you...