There are some things that you should just try to avoid at all costs. For one: Brussels sprouts, those little cabbage looking things that your mother told you to eat, and supposedly are good for you. Fiber and protein are good, however it’s that funny texture and odd aroma that gets me. Too bad some retirement investments didn’t come with an odd smell that would ward off unsuspecting baby boomers. I’m referring in particular to one aspect of a Mutual Fund which most investors are simply unaware… Your Estate . The question that you should ask is “If I predecease my spouse, what path will the proceeds in my RRSP “Mutual Fund” take?” The answer may surprise you, as it does most people. Let’s say you have a mutual fund and you use it as your retirement savings. You have named a beneficiary- say your husband or your wife. Let’s also say you are 60 years old, even though you look younger. At your death, the mutual fund becomes part of your estate regardless to whom you stated as your b...