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Showing posts from December, 2015

Santa Claus buys Life Insurance

"Santa Claus buys life insurance" said Soleus Winters with Upper North Life Insurance Co.  Upper North is best known for their frozen asset distribution facility based in Iceland.    Winters said he enjoyed the conversation with Santa Claus over a snack served with buttermilk and shortbread cookies.  “It was a memorable meeting to say the least” said Winters. Every question was answered correctly, and each was checked twice. Santa had met with Winters and the North Pole attorney, Pot Hole to discuss an estate freeze. Things were dancing like sugar plums with Santa, Winters and Hole said; and then it was time for the medical questions. With the wink of an eye, Winters asked “Do you smoke?” Santa answered slowly as his marshmallow like hand tenderly embraced the corncob pipe which he had received from his good friend Frosty the snowman. “Just a little” he said “and I don’t inhale either. I just do it because I like the smoke rings which circle my hat”. “A...