S o what does a financial planner know about real estate? Nothing, except that I wanted to sell my house for top dollar. I’m a financial planner, not a real estate agent. That being said I wanted top dollar for my home, so I had a vested interest. Here is what we did, and it worked. We sold our house recently and between the real estate agent and my wife, we actually sold the house on the very first viewing the day after it was listed, for 100% of the asking price in Bedford NS. Now I’m not a real estate agent, but I understand sales and I know things just don’t sell that fast, so how did we do it? The first thing we did was to listen to our real estate agent about the pricing. Of course we thought the house was worth more than what the market analysis showed- everyone does. However, we wanted to be fair to ourselves, the agent and a potential buyer. We built the house 10 years ago and had designed it for our family with all the things we wanted in a home. ...