Y ou bought your home from an agent you trust, you qualified for the Mortgage because of good credit, you shopped for a great mortgage rate to save money, and when it came to the mortgage insurance, you simply signed on the dotted line without asking “Is this a good deal?”. Most people want to get life insurance when they buy a home, but are often too excited about the new house that they forget to ask any questions about the insurance. How many times have I heard, “I didn’t want to blow the deal, so I just signed”, or “the banker just told me to sign the document, so I did”. It’s not too late to look around, and yes , you can cancel the bank insurance if you want . Mortgage insurance at the bank is often very expensive for what you get. Here are 7 things about Bank Insurance you should know: 1. Money: Bank insurance is often very expensive when compared to a private policy. 2. Coverage: Bank insurance is tied to the mortgage, so if you pay off or reduce your mor...