Two weeks ago I
was in Toronto and delivered a speech to a group of 750 insurance advisors from
across Canada. The audience was diverse, made up of everyone from the brand new
insurance advisors to a few celebrating their 55th year with the
company. I had butterflies in my stomach; but, truth be told they were all
flying in formation. I was introduced and walked on to the stage to a round of
polite applause.
My talk began as
usual with a few spots of clean humor to get the audience’s emotions moving, humor
is a great way to test the emotion of a group. I introduced myself as one of
them and told a few stories about my youth. Soon, the light laugher calmed down
as people found themselves caught intently listening to my story; and as I
spoke, the laughing became silent and then tears were seen. This is why the
next joke seemed so funny… not because of the humor, because of the release. I
was told later, the hour flew by as if my talk had only lasted minutes.
One lady
approached me afterwards in the lineup, unable to hold back her tears and just
wanted to say hello. Others were still smiling and wanted to say thanks. Many
times, their stories came out of how we related during the 60 minutes. My
message is simply to live life every day.
In the end, I
don’t ask what or why, I just let them say what they want. My gift as a speaker
is not the ability to tell my story. It’s the blessing to allow others to see
themselves in their own lives for an hour they will remember forever.
When people ask me
why I enjoy being on stage, I tell them it’s because I enjoy having a “one on
one” conversation with hundreds of people at once. That’s all.
We are currently
booking Canada for 2016.
If you’ve heard Corry speak, please like and share!
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